First Aid seminar 急救講座

早前聽到朋友在餐廳見到有食客在進食期間,被食物哽塞,眼見待應都 束手無策,慶幸潘先生上前施以援手,及時成功地令患者將異物咳出,才免於窒息 的危險。 日常生活中,難免會遇上因意外而受傷或急病突發的情況,如果大家知多㇐點急 救的知識,遇上上述情況,輕則可以減輕傷勢,重則甚至可以救回寶貴的生命! Manchester Communities CIC 有幸邀請到資深急救導師潘先生(Derek)義務 為我們主持急救講座,潘先生有30多年主理急救訓練的經驗,講解生動並會適時 加插㇐些示範及練習,希望參加者日後在有需要時,可以助己救人。 有興趣的朋友不要錯過這次難得的機會。由於講座內容豐富,將分三次進行。
Earlier, While attending a local restaurant, a friend witnessed an event that left him horrified. A gentleman at the table beside him started choking on his food. Fortunately, Mr. Poon, a qualified First Aider, stepped forward and helped the man to cough out the foreign object in time, avoiding the danger of suffocation.

 In daily life, injuries due to accidents or emergencies are inevitable. If you know more about first aid when encountering the above situations, you can reduce the severity of an injury or even save a precious life!

Manchester Communities CIC is honoured to invite a senior first aid instructor Mr. Poon (Derek), to host a first aid lecture for us at Brunswick Street. Mr. Poon has more than 30 years of experience in conducting first-aid training. Both his lectures and hands-on demonstrations are extremely informative.

Do not miss this rare opportunity to learn Basic Life Support skills. This course is free of charge and will be delivered in three sessions.

Workshop details

Location: 50 Brunswick Street, Manchester, M13 9PE

Date: January 19 , 26 and February 2, 2024 (Friday) 2024 年1 月19 、26 日及2 月2 日 星期五

Time: 1:00-3:30 p.m. (Please start checking in 15 minutes in advance),1:00-3:30 p.m.(請預早15分鐘開始簽到)

1:00-3:30 p.m. (Please start checking in 15 minutes in advance)1:00-3:30 p.m. (Please start checking in 15 minutes in advance)

Lecture language:Hong Kong,香港話

Quota:35 people, first-come-first-served basis! Welcome to invite relatives and friends to register and attend,35人,額滿即止!歡迎邀請親友一同報名出席


Registration method: Use the link below or QR code to log in and submit your registration 

報名方法:用下方連結或QR code登入及提交報名

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